Bariatric care refers to medical treatment aimed at weight loss. Patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 are classified as "overweight", and patients with a BMI of 30+ are classified as "obese". Depending on the individual, a bariatric physician may implement one of the numerous treatment methods to get the desired results. Learn more about 4 common types of bariatric services.
1. Surgery
Bariatric surgery is one of the most extreme and effective bariatric treatments.
There are three types of bariatric surgery:
- Gastric bypass
- Gastric sleeve
- Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
All three types of surgeries aim to reduce the amount of food the digestive system can process, reducing the calorie intake as well. Immediately after the surgery, the patient will stick to a liquid diet, gradually working up to solids. The patient loses weight quickly after surgery but then it's up to the patient to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Patients must be strong enough and within a certain weight range in order to qualify for surgery.
2. Diet
Bariatric services include nutrition lessons. Patients will learn about balancing food groups, counting calories, and eating nutritious, unprocessed foods. Misconceptions about food can make it difficult for people to follow a healthy diet. Many patients will also experience temptations and a test of their self-control, and bariatric professionals can help keep the patient accountable with food diaries and regular weigh-ins.
Some doctors may prescribe weight loss supplements to make the diet easier for the patient.
3. Exercise
To lose weight, patients need to burn more calories than they eat. Many people don't get much exercise during the day, especially while working in an office. Regular exercise can expedite the weight loss process by burning extra calories. Patients should practice both cardio and strength training. To get lean muscles, follow a "low weight, high reps" philosophy.
4. Behavioral Therapy
Eating and activity habits turn into learned behaviors. Patients often struggle to break these habits. Bariatric services often include behavioral therapy to retrain the patient's mind to replace bad habits with good habits.
One technique is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which involves the patient identifying bad thoughts or behaviors before they happen and then replacing them with healthy choices. For example, if someone eats dessert every night, they can eat fruit instead. Eventually, the patient will reach for the fruit automatically instead of the sweet dessert.
Bariatric services start with a personalized weight loss plan and then continuous work. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will see results. For more information on bariatric care, contact a professional near you.