It's wonderful to age gracefully and still enjoy a healthy life. However, aging is not an equal opportunity process for everyone. While some older people age without developing any of the numerous old-age diseases like arthritis, many others are plagued by more than their share of old-age ailments. Bone health is of major concern to elderly citizens, because bone loss sets you on a direct pathway to develop the dreaded osteoporosis disease. Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disorder that decreases your body's bone strength. Decreased bone strength leaves you susceptible to future fractures. There are ways to prevent developing osteoporosis or treating the disease if you have it.

Already Diagnosed With Osteoporosis?

If you've already been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you must work with your physician who will start you on a number of treatment options. Some of the treatments will require you to make drastic changes to your lifestyle that will help correct your bone density status.

What If Your Bone Density Is Normal?

If you're over 65 years old, you'll be given bone density testing to determine your bone's density measurement. If the results show that your density measurement is normal, treatment will be initiated to ensure that you never develop the disease. In this case, you'll also be expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do what it takes to maintain your bone density status, which could include your taking medicine. 

Healthy Foods Provide Calcium Contents

Aside from taking medicines, you will be told and expected to eat healthy diets that are rich in calcium and vitamin D that will help to increase bone strength. Milk, yogurt and hard cheeses, cottage cheese, and yes, ice cream are all high in calcium ingredients. Kale and spinach vegetables, orange juice, and your breakfast cereals raise your calcium intake levels as well.

increase Your Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening your bones. The best way of obtaining enough vitamin D is through sunlight exposure, and you really only need about 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight several times a week to garner enough vitamin D that your body needs. You can consume supplemental vitamin D foods such as canned tuna, salmon and eggs to derive adequate amounts of this vitamin in your body. Swordfish is also recommended. Your physician can provide you with a healthy diet sheet. 

Exercising Improves Your Bone Strength

Lifestyle changes to strengthen your bones should include sensible exercise. The most rewarding exercise is walking, and it only demands a good pair of walking shoes and your carrying water to hydrate yourself. You may be able to perform other exercises, but you should clear that with your physician especially if you do have cardiology ailments or chronic obstructive pulmonary issues.

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