Many people who have a stroke are limited to more generic recovery options, such as inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation centers. A specialized center can offer you a better level of care as you address multiple issues that can occur from a stroke.

In-Patient Care

Once you are ready to be released from the hospital, you may be transferred to in-patient treatment at a stroke rehab center for additional recovery. In this setting you will have 24/7 access to specialists and assistive devices necessary to regain lost functions. It is common for people with significant stroke-related damage to need help performing basic tasks, such as eating and walking, well before they can address other concerns. Once they are able to consume soft foods and liquids orally, the next step will be increasing physical function. This can include exercises to prevent muscle wasting with the ultimate goal of sitting in a wheelchair with limited assistance, or learning to walk with a paralyzed or weak leg.


Neurologists and psychiatrists are some of the specialists you may see when seeking rehabilitative services in other settings. Although these are necessary medical professionals, your recovery may be improved with access to a neuropsychiatrist and/or neuropsychologist, which are both less common specialties. Neuropsychiatrists and neuropsychologists bridge the gap between neurology and psychology by specializing in how brain injuries affect behavior and mood. Based on results from imaging tests, a specialist will have some expectations of the type of problems you will experience since each region of the brain has some known functions. Treatments may include medications to help regulate mood changes and activities to restore lost cognitive functions.


Regardless of whether you are an in-patient or outpatient client, there may be resources available to help build your support system beyond medical professionals. Mental health professionals and group therapy may be offered at a specialized rehabilitation center. Since everyone at the facility is facing similar challenges, it can be motivational and make it easier to adapt to changes in your mind and body when you can interact with other stroke patients. Sometimes there may be resources available for caregivers or family members who also need their own support system to help them adapt to the mental and physical changes in their loved one.

Although rehabilitation is essential after a stroke, the opportunity to participate in a specialized rehabilitation program might improve outcomes. Generally, specialized facilities have more resources available to allow stroke patients the best chance at recovery. Contact a stroke recovery treatment center for more help.
