Having an ultrasound machine allows you to take your medical practice to an entirely different level. With the ultrasound equipment, you are capable of getting a better look at whatever is affecting your patients below their skin, which can be absolutely critical with certain conditions. Investing in an ultrasound machine is just part of what you will need to add this valuable service to your practice; you should actually invest in some additional accessories as well. Take a look at some of the accessories you should invest in along with your portable ultrasound machine.
An Ultrasound Cart
When you are using your ultrasound machine, you will want to be able to move around freely without carrying the equipment from one area of the patient to the other. Investing in an ultrasound cart allows you to have a place to sit your machine and maneuver it easily around the room. The carts have heavy-duty caster wheels that swivel to allow free range of motion to get the machine to the precise position.
High-Quality Ultrasound Gel
A good quality ultrasound gel allows for the probe to roll over the skin without any friction, which gives you a smoother action as you explore the patient and a more comfortable experience for the patient. The ultrasound gel also serves the purpose of giving better transmission of the ultrasound waves. Therefore, you will get a clearer image result with a good gel that is applied in the right amount on the patient's skin
Warmer for Ultrasound Gel
Because you are applying the ultrasound gel directly to the skin of your patient, it is hospitable to make sure the gel is not cold when you put it on. Small gel warmers can be purchased to situate on the cart that will keep the gel at a warmer temperature. Not only will the warm gel be less of a shock to the patient, but it will also flow better out of the container when it is warmed.
Portable Equipment Carrying Case
If you have a portable care service that will involve you carrying your equipment to different places, you really should pick up a good carrying case. The carrying case will prevent the equipment from getting damaged during transport and make it easier to transport overall. The cases for portable machines are usually designed with a rigid build and easy-grip carrying handles so you can easily carry your machine with one hand.
Visit a site like https://www.keebomed.com/ for more help.