If you are a woman who has been trying to get pregnant for several months without a positive test at the end of each cycle, there are several steps you can take to improve your chances. Many women are unaware of the complexity of the reproductive system and the variables that can lead to a positive outcome. Here are a few tips to consider if you seem to be suffering from infertility and want to better your chances at getting pregnant.

Know The Timing For The Best Chance Of Conception

Pinpointing the exact time to have intercourse to increase pregnancy chances can be difficult if you are not used to charting your menstrual cycle. Determine the length of your average cycle to have a better idea of when ovulation will occur each month. This is usually somewhere between 12-16 days before you get your period. It is a good idea to start having sex a few days before you believe you will ovulate so sperm will be present when one of your ovaries release an egg. Ovulation predictor tests can be used to help you pinpoint the timing of intercourse as well. 

Consider taking your basal body temperature each morning when you wake to get a better idea of your ovulation time. When your temperature rises about .2 degrees higher than the previous three days and remains at this higher level for at least six days, this indicates ovulation had occurred before the shift.

Rely On Your Doctor To Run Tests To Determine Your Fertility

If you try charting, tests, and timing your intercourse each month without a positive pregnancy test for several months, it may be beneficial to see an OB/GYN to run tests to determine if you are indeed ovulating and if you have adequate hormone levels to sustain a pregnancy. You can talk with a professional, like Missouri Center for Reproductive Medicine, for more information. A doctor may do an ultrasound to see if there are problems with your ovaries and the release of eggs. They may also test your levels for hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and follicle stimulating via blood test. Your thyroid may also be tested to see if it is functioning properly.

Increase Chances With Supplements And A Healthy Lifestyle

Many women find if they change their eating habits to include organic foods over processed products, pregnancy is easier to achieve. These foods are not weighed down with corn syrup, dyes, or manufactured ingredients which have been shown to contribute to infertility if eaten in mass quantities. Exercising will also help keep you de-stressed, possibly leading to a positive pregnancy test down the road. It is important to take a multi-vitamin each day so your body is at optimal health. Many women start taking prenatal vitamins when trying to conceive so their body has a surplus of nutrients already in place should they become pregnant.
