When most people think of an allergy clinic, they think of itchy rashes or environmental things that make them sneeze. They are unaware that doctors in an allergy clinic treat more than just dermatitis and upper respiratory issues. If you have any of the following health issues, you should reconsider an allergy clinic for treatment.


Ordinarily, you would think that asthma is more of a lung issue than an allergy issue. The truth is, many allergies affect your ability to breathe and can make asthma much worse. If your general physician has not tested you for allergies and you find yourself constantly using your inhaler for relief, you may need to see an allergist instead. The allergist can test you for many of the typical and atypical nasal and bronchial irritants that cause an allergic response, which is immediately followed by an asthma attack. The allergist can treat both your asthma and allergy symptoms, reducing your need and frequency to see your regular doctor.


Unlike contact dermatitis, the common allergic reaction to things touching the skin, eczema is a dry skin condition exacerbated by everything from nerves to sweat to chemicals found in soaps. Many general physicians misdiagnose extreme cases of eczema because it closely resembles contact dermatitis and other, more unpleasant skin conditions. Visiting an allergist in an allergy clinic clears up the mystery almost immediately. The allergist will diagnose the eczema properly and prescribe topical medicines to clear it up. Changes in lifestyle and cleaning products may also help.

Food Allergies and Sensitivities 

Food sensitivities and true food allergies are everywhere now. Many kids in daycare and schools cannot consume peanuts, eggs, milk, citrus fruits and sweets because it upsets their digestive tracts. A true food allergy causes the sufferer to stop breathing, swell up, and even get a rash all over. The specialised treatments at an allergy clinic for food allergies and sensitivities are just a few of the more unusual disorders allergists treat.

Other Skin Disorders You May Not Associate with an Allergist's Line of Work

Although you could see a dermatologist for some other skin disorders such as psoriasis, ringworm, poisons oak, ivy, and sumac, etc., you could also see an allergist. If you already see an allergist for another skin or internal allergy, then consulting with your allergist at the same time is just a matter of convenience. It may be that your allergy medication is reducing your ability to fight off other skin disorders, in which case you would have to see your allergist anyway.

For more information, contact a business such as Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg.
