Periodic visits to your dentist and proper brushing and flossing techniques are effective tasks to ensure healthy teeth and gums. However, even with routine visits and proper oral hygiene, the surface enamel covering your teeth may be in danger. Offering a protective coating to prevent damage during chewing and reduce nerve sensitivity, dental enamel may still erode over time. While common, this damage may become painful and possibly lead to serious decay. Using this guide on possible dangers, you will know what to avoid and how to romance your surface enamel back to health.

Potential Dangers

In most cases, your dentist can see if your enamel is eroding. Fortunately, paying attention to certain everyday habits can help prevent future erosion, as well. Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw places stress on your teeth, which damages your surface enamel. Consult your dentist, such as Brant N Olson, DDS PA., about wearing a night guard to prevent dental erosion and fractures.

Enjoying a cold, icy beverage is fine, but do not chew the ice. Crunching and chewing these cold, hard cubes not only damages the surface enamel, but can also break your teeth.

Avoid using your teeth as tools for opening bottles, cutting tape, or trimming your nails. Although convenient, these simple everyday habits can wreak havoc on your enamel.

Of course, common foods and drinks can also increase your risk of enamel damage. Reduce the amount or completely avoid the following to prevent erosion on your enamel:

  • Soda – Within the last few years, the United States has seen an increase in soda consumption among all age groups. Unfortunately, the acidic nature of diet and regular soda softens the surface enamel of your teeth. Continued consumption not only leads to erosion, but also serious tooth decay.
  • Fruits – It is important to eat healthy fruits, but limiting certain types is smart for your enamel. The citrus acid in oranges, grapefruits, and lemon quickly eat away at your enamel. In most cases, citrusy fruits and juices increase nerve sensitivity and cause discomfort.
  • Sticky and Sugary Foods – Chewy foods such as caramel, syrup, and candy stick to your teeth, damaging your enamel. In addition, excessive consumption of sugary foods can lead to surface damage, plaque, and tooth decay.

Avoiding your favorite foods completely is not necessary. Brushing or rinsing after each meal or snack will reduce your risk of enamel damage.

Restore with Remineralizing Toothpaste

With all the different oral hygiene products on the market, finding the best product for restoring enamel can be overwhelming. To restore enamel damage while brushing your teeth, use the following natural recipe to make your own remineralizing toothpaste.

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons calcium magnesium powder
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil

Most of the ingredients are readily available at your local grocery and health food store. After purchase, combine in a bowl and store in a glass jar with lid. To use, dampen your toothbrush and add a ½ tablespoon of the remineralizing paste. Brush and rinse as normal. With continued use, your teeth will be cleaner, whiter, and stronger.

Completely preventing damage to your surface enamel is challenging. However, using this guide, you will know the best preventative measures and how to romance your teeth back to health.
